This festive Christmas bouquet consists of white Chrysanthemums, red berries, and misty blue. Perfect to bring cheers for the holiday!
Get it in a 5x12" glass vase, or wrapped in our signature bouquet style.
Due to the limited availability of our stocks actual order may vary from the product photo.
All our products will be properly sanitized before dispatching. We will continue to employ necessary procedures that will ensure the safety of all our clients and staff.
For rush orders, please call or visit our store branches directly: CONTACT US
In the event that a substitution is necessary, we may substitute with flowers of similar or superior style, quality, and value. Read our full Substitution Policy here.
A basket assortment of soft pink silhouette flower arrangement consists of flowers fresh from our farm.
Due to the limited availability of our stocks actual order may vary from the product photo.
All our products will be properly sanitized before dispatching. We will continue to employ necessary procedures that will ensure the safety of all our clients and staff.
For rush orders, please call or visit our store branches directly: CONTACT US
In the event that a substitution is necessary, we may substitute with flowers of similar or superior style, quality, and value. Read our full Substitution Policy here.
The Shelley
Regular price
Save ₱-2,500.00
This exciting mix of red and white Gerbera Daisies, Amaryllis, and Torch flowers will make for an eye catching surprise gift or home display.
Due to the limited availability of our stocks actual order may vary from the product photo.
All our products will be properly sanitized before dispatching. We will continue to employ necessary procedures that will ensure the safety of all our clients and staff.
For rush orders, please call or visit our store branches directly: CONTACT US
In the event that a substitution is necessary, we may substitute with flowers of similar or superior style, quality, and value. Read our full Substitution Policy here.
The Cressida
Regular price
Save ₱-2,000.00
A bright assortment of pink, yellow, and white Mums will bring a much needed pop of colour into anyone's day.
Get it in a 5x12" glass vase, or wrapped in our signature bouquet style.
Due to the limited availability of our stocks actual order may vary from the product photo.
All our products will be properly sanitized before dispatching. We will continue to employ necessary procedures that will ensure the safety of all our clients and staff.
For rush orders, please call or visit our store branches directly: CONTACT US
In the event that a substitution is necessary, we may substitute with flowers of similar or superior style, quality, and value. Read our full Substitution Policy here.
The Cordelia
Regular price
Save ₱-4,000.00
A striking monochromatic arrangement of Lilies and Mums.
Get it in a 5x12" glass vase, or wrapped in our signature bouquet style.
Due to the limited availability of our stocks actual order may vary from the product photo.
All our products will be properly sanitized before dispatching. We will continue to employ necessary procedures that will ensure the safety of all our clients and staff.
For rush orders, please call or visit our store branches directly: CONTACT US
In the event that a substitution is necessary, we may substitute with flowers of similar or superior style, quality, and value. Read our full Substitution Policy here.
The Bianca
Regular price
Save ₱-2,200.00
A dozen white home grown Chrysanthemums to symbolize fresh new beginnings, remembrance, or an everlasting love.
Get it in a 5x12" glass vase, or wrapped in our signature bouquet style.
Due to the limited availability of our stocks actual order may vary from the product photo.
All our products will be properly sanitized before dispatching. We will continue to employ necessary procedures that will ensure the safety of all our clients and staff.
For rush orders, please call or visit our store branches directly: CONTACT US
In the event that a substitution is necessary, we may substitute with flowers of similar or superior style, quality, and value. Read our full Substitution Policy here.